Tuesday 9 September 2008

Just an update really

Wow! I hadn't realized I had not posted here for awhile! Not much interesting has happened I'm afraid. We did discover that the whole place shuts down on bank holidays though.R got a Friday off from work a couple of weeks ago because it was an Italian bank holiday so we thought we would take another trip up to IKEA. We get there and the parking lot is empty with the exception of a few cars...nice one, it's quiet today!! Well guess what..it was closed! Yeah so it was REALLY quiet.. So we drive all the way back home and discover that everything else is shut too! I actually felt like we were in that movie 28 days later...you know the part when the guy walks out of the hospital and there is no one to be found but rubbish blowing across the road...yeah well that was us that day! NOTHING was open,I couldn't believe it! We found out later it was the The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin that day so living in a predominantly Catholic country may have something to do with the whole town closing? Oh well live and learn yet again:)

Beyond that we are still enjoying ourselves here, the weather is still nice and fairly hot. It's still in the 30's anyway and still haven't seen much rain. We have also been busy getting ready for our new bundle. He will make his appearance on the 29th via cesarean and I can tell you I am more than ready for this to be over now! I have so many more aches and pains this time around so I am just plain miserable! "20 days and counting!! I just hope he doesn't decide to make an earlier debut since we live so far from the hospital! That's it for now I guess...like I said not much interesting this time. Take care until the next post:)

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