Thursday 22 April 2010

Giardino do Ninfa

Another beautiful place in Italy! I am not a garden person but this place was worth an afternoon to wander around. It was almost like a mystical place, I am hoping to have some family photos taken here! We spent about 2 hours and took more pictures than we did at the Colosseum! Here is a little history of the place:

The beautiful Gardens of Ninfa (Giardini di Ninfa) are located in the Lazio region of Italy, about 40 miles south-east of Rome. Known mostly to garden enthusiasts, Ninfa and its unique setting are still a fairly well-kept secret. Getting to Ninfa is a challenge, but the garden is worth the effort.
Ninfa was a substantial town going back to the times of the Romans. However, during the Middle Ages the town was squabbled over, sacked, beset by malaria and eventually Ninfa was abandoned to the elements. A neglected part of the estate of the aristocratic Caetani family, Ninfa was left to slumber until the twentieth century when descendents transformed the town's ruins into a botanical garden. The last owner, Lelia Caetani, left the garden to a foundation who now run the site in conjunction with the WWF.
Now plants wind over ruined towers and walls, rejoicing in the lush damp conditions. The setting is indescribably atmospheric, with roses scrambling for footholds in ruined archways, and the frescoed church wall still standing open to the weather. Roses, banana trees, maples and resident ducks thrive in the microclimate of Ninfa. The dampness of the location, under the hills facing the coastal plain, leads to an unusual mixture of species.

Here is a link to see the photos:

I have to appologise for the blue tinge in all the pictures, we discovered our camera batteries were dead about 5 minutes after starting our exploration so these were taken on my cell phone! I now have a backup set of batteries in my camera case! This is another place that is a must see if a trip to Italy is ever an option.

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